Tuesday, 17 May 2016


catching mustelids

my polar bear summary

a Summary about the text: Polar Bears Surviving in the Arctic. Example   

A polar bear is the largest bear in the world it can smell a dead animal from 20 killometers away. They can smell a living seal from 2 killometers from under the ice. They live in the arctic cirlcal. They make a den for their babys to live in untill they are old enough to go out side. Their breath will make the den they built warm for their babys.


Self Evaluation/Self Assessment using the Success Criteria

What’s Good? One thing that I have well is I have added my own words

Next time, one thing that I could do better is Adding more detail.

Friday, 6 May 2016

My Lost Story

“Come on Benji you can cross the river”.  As I said from the other side. We where doing a competition, you had to get yourselfs lost in the bush. Benij and I was in a team. We got lost but could not find our way back so we started to walk around. We found a river and it was to big to walk or jump across. There was a vine to swing on so I went first. I dont know why. Then Benji was next but he could not reach the vine. I knew that he did not weigh much. I got a branch to hold and he could walk across it and he made it.

As we where walking Benji saw a light, it was my cousins Ashleigh and Maddie, they were lost too. They were trying to find shelter or a team
. So Ashleigh and I got together and let Maddie and Benji play. Ashleigh and I knew that we were not going to get out of this untill morning.  We built a bivvy to stay in for the night.” Dannii we want food were starving” said Maddie and Benji. So we rased off and went out and found apples. Then we stayed the night in the shelter. In the morning we got everything we came  here with. We eventuly found the house. I was so happy to see my mum again. After that we all had a walk in a crevis. I fell into the deep river “SPLASH!!!!” everyone laughed at me. I was soked.

We got dressed and had dinner. Then we went to bed and we talked all night.