WALT write open ended questions and full answers
- What is the history the New Zealand olympic uniform?
LONDON, 1908: You won't see any silver ferns here, because this isn't even a solely New Zealand team. We are competing as Australasia (which is NZ & Australia).
LONDON, 2012: Rodd & Gunn took on the dress uniforms for London and the black and white both match.
2. Where do the ideas for the New Zealand olympic uniform come from? Shane Hansen worked with clothing partner PEAK.Shane Hansen got inspired by the Motu/Land.
Intro: After Researching about the Olympic uniform We started to Plan our Uniform here Is what you need and how to make it.
What you need
Singlet pattern.
Sewing mac.hine
Stitching needle
Measuring tape.
Pins/Pin cushion.
How We Made The Uniform
- We got the singlet pattern and traced around it.
- Then we cut it out.
- Next we started to stitch the uniform together.
- Dannii and I started to decorated the T-Shirt.
- After that Chloe then tried it on.
Chloe:I liked the way Dannii collaborated with me and tried to get it done in time for the presenting and I enjoyed how we got to chose what project we wanted to make,when I work with Dannii we collaborate well and get our work done . i used my persevering muscle trying to get done in time.
Dannii: I really Enjoyed cutting out and stitching the pattern. The hard part was trying not to poke myself with the pins all the time, and getting distracted by other groups and people. The learning muscle that i used was the resilience muscle because i persevered when learning got tough. Chloe worked really well with me and she was absorbed in her learning most of the time. : ) :P.
Here is a picture of our finished project.
By Chloe & Dannii
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