My Special Place
- Nature
- Horses
- Family
- Natural hot pools
My special place is where you can lie on the warm ground and listen to music in the trees. Listening to the flowing rivers just makes me want to jump in them right now. I love listening to the to the birds chirping like music at a parade in the morning just waiting for me to get up.
I love going down to see the horses Lucy and Apples. I named it Apples because every time me and my cousins would go for a Walk to the river We would have apples/food in our bag. The horse would always Come over to us and we would have to give him a couple of apples before we went.
I love going to this place every year because I would go there with my family. One thing I love doing with my family Is going for walks down to the river and swimming there. After our swim we would lie in the rocks that were as warm as fire and fall asleep.
On the last day of staying There we would all go for an hour long drive to this stunning place where there is a natural hot pool. It Says “Natural” because the water is heated by itself.It's heated by the minerals that it produces and the magma down deep in the rocks.
Kuripapango Is my special place