Friday, 17 November 2017

Safe Cycling

Safe Cycling 

Today for our Safe Cycling project we made an intersection on the floor with tape. First we got into a group of four Jada, Paige, Sienna and I made a roundabout. after we finished making the intersection we used toy cars on the roundabout. 

Tuesday, 7 November 2017


This is my Shield volcano just like Mauna Loa in Hawaii. I used Seeds, Rocks, Bark and Leaves to make Texture.

1st First I made the shape of my volcano out of Chicken wire.

  2nd I started to Paper Mache, I had to do 3 Layers it took about one week. Once I had finished doing my Paper Mache I started Painting. 

A Volcano/Puia is an opening in the earth's surface where magma can escape from below. Damage from Volcanoes can cause major death toll and Years of repairing buildings. I'm going to talk about what are volcanoes, what are the deadliest volcanic eruptions ever recorded and What Impact do volcanoes have on the world we live in.

What is a Volcano?

Volcanoes can come in all shapes and sizes; there are 4 major Shapes of volcanoes Cinder cone, Composite, Shield and Lava dome. Then there are the stages of volcanoes which are Active Dormant and Extinct. Dormant volcanoes are ones that are “sleeping” or have not erupted in years. Sometimes dormant volcanoes can still erupt. Active Volcanoes are ones that have erupted in the past 100 years or so and is most likely to erupt soon. Extinct volcanoes have not erupted in a very long time and will most likely not to erupt ever again/takarure. Did you know there are 48 extinct volcanoes only/anake in auckland.

Volcanic Rocks
Group: Volcanic/igneous
Color: White
How It Is Formed: Formation of Rhyolite usually is in continental margin volcanic eruptions where the granitic magma reaches the surface.
Facts: Due to the spontaneous release of Huge amounts of trapped gases, the eruptions of Rhyolite may be highly explosive.

Eruptions not only produce Rhyolite, but also can produce Pumice, Obsidian, or tuff. They all have similar compositions but different cooling conditions

Group: Volcanic/igneous
Color: Black
How It Is Formed: Obsidian is a naturally occurring volcanic glass formed as an extrusive igneous rock. It is produced when lava extruded from a volcano cools rapidly with minimal crystal.
Facts: Obsidian can only form near active volcanoes

When obsidian breaks, the fractures are very sharp which is why it was used for tools

Group: Volcanic/igneous
Color: Light coloured
How It Is Formed:The Vesicles are actually gas bubbles trapped inside during rapid cooling in the molten magma. The materials cool so fast that the atoms cant get into a crystal form, so pumice is amorphous volcanic glass known as a “mineraloid”
Facts: Pumice is short for Pumicite
The size of pumice can range from tiny dust particles to pumice pieces the size of a house.


What impact do Volcanoes have on the World we live in?

Stones/ rocks
Pyroclastic flows
Loss of humans and animals

Volcanoes can cause Lahars, Tsunamis, Earthquakes, Pollution to the Air from the Ash and much more. Did you know when Mt Tambora erupted in 1816 that year was considered the year without summer.  A Lahar is a mixture of mud water and other debris which can flow down and bury near by towns and cities. Volcanic gases can cause difficulty in breathing, increased heart rate and death, even worse is the damage caused by the Pyroclastic Flows. These are avalanches of rock and ash up to 700 degrees celsius that move more than 50 miles and hour destroying everything in their path.


Volcanoes can also Help us with growing crops or Horticulture Because The ash can be used as fertilizer. Some volcanic minerals can help us with everyday objects and some can cost millions of dollars depending on the size of it. Just some of the Minerals can be Aluminum, Copper, Diamond, Gold, Lead, Zinc and Nickel.